Friday, June 4, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust!

We are happy to report that we have paid off yet another debt...this one was a while in the making because taxes this year set us back a bit, but we are another one down! This time we paid off the car; the VW Jetta is now ours, not the banks! It will be nice to not have that extra $200+ payment each month--that money will now go to our next smallest debt, which we should get paid off within 3 weeks or so, depending on how good our mileage is. We're getting closer to our goal of being debt-free, one debt at a time!

Present location: San Jose, CA (to Tempe, AZ to Memphis, TN) is 84 degrees here!
Miles this week: this load will have us at 2780 miles by Monday morning

Have a great weekend, everyone!

God bless,
deb & ben

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Congrats! You're getting closer...and I haven't even started chipping away at my debt yet.:(

Safe travels!